Cybercrime And Human Trafficking

We are excited to inform you that Heritage Skills Development Centre is hosting an interactive awareness-based workshop on Cybercrime and Human Trafficking. The 10-week series of workshops will focus on how to respond to and prevent human trafficking, how computers, social networks, and digital devices use to target vulnerable youth for human trafficking, including strategies to protect and prevent the risk of being trafficked. Participants will be able to recognize a perpetrator, where to go, and how to get support if someone has already been a victim of trafficking. The workshops will take place on April 6, 2023 to June 8, 2023, from 4:00-5:30 PM on Zoom.


Highly experienced and expert speakers from different international, national, regional, and local level organizations such as The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking, Aura Freedom International, Cybersafety Foundation, Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, Courage for Freedom (Canada) have kindly agreed to share their knowledge and insights with our participants.  


Please join us to increase your knowledge and awareness of human trafficking with a nexus through cybercrime. 


Please register online at;