HSDC is a not-for-profit organization that empowers and builds the capacity of low-income new immigrants, including at- risk youths and women and their children. Some of our activities include computer and internet training, small business development, after school programs, new comer settlement activities, senior programs etc. The computers are needed for training as well as to allow computer access for job search and other activities. Also we run computer loan program and equally give computers to the less privileged members of our community.

HSDC is a not-for-profit organization serving low-income new immigrants, at-risk youths, women and the marginalized members of our community for the past 20 years, the demand on our services is very high while our resources are very limited. Therefore, any contributions to our agency are highly appreciated.

Please donate computers that are: New/Refurbished and In working condition.
Drop Off Location:
Heritage Skills Development Centre (HSDC)
400 McCowan Road (Ground Floor)
(Intersection: McCowan & Eglinton / Danforth Road)
Scarborough, Ontario, M1J 1J5
Tel: (416) 345-1613 Fax: (416) 345-8696
E-mail: info@hsdconline.esy.es