Volunteer / Internship Opportunities at HSDC
HSDC has Internships and Volunteer Opportunities in the following areas:
- Administrative Assistant & Clerical Assistant
- Computer/Internet Instructor
- Computer Technical Assistant / I. T. Trouble Shooter
- Creative Writing Assistant / Newsletter Editor
- Event Coordinator / Volunteer Coordinator
- Fashion Designer / Dress-Making Tutor
- Fundraising Assistant
- Marketing / Communication Assistant
- Program Development Assistant
- Proposal Writing Assistant
- Research Assistant
- Website Development Assistant
- After School Program Instructor
- Business Program Instructor / Mentor
- Information Technology Trainer Assistant
Note: We are very flexible on days and time.
Who We Are
HSDC is a not-for-profit charitable organization established in 1993, with a mission to promote the health, social, cultural and economic self-sufficiency and well-being of new immigrant families, low income individuals, at-risk youth and other marginalized individuals, so that they and their families can enjoy and contribute to the opportunities that Canada offers
The benefits of volunteer participation with HSDC:
- Will receive reference letter, enabling you to get employment
- Knowledge of potential employers, jobs and other valuable information
- Opportunities to network, make new friends, share ideas of common interest and concerns
- Opportunities to participants in our numerous training programs
- Opportunities to acquire Canadian work experience
- Opportunity to make a difference in the community and give back!
For more information:
Address: 400 McCowan Road (Ground Floor)
Scarborough, ON
M1J 1J5
Phone: (416) 345-1613
Fax: (416) 345-8696
E-mail address: info@hsdconline.esy.es